Friday, December 25, 2009

Empowering Students with Google Apps Education Edition

The slide presentation has lots of screen shots on:
  • What is Google Apps Education Edition
  • Setting Up a Google Apps Education Edition Account
  • Administrating a Google Apps Education Edition Account
The last slide is a video of two students talking about how Google Docs helped them.

My chapter on Google Apps for Education is included in the book Retool Your School, see below. The chapter is an extended version of the above presentation.

Retool Your School by James Lerman
Authors James Lerman and Ronique Hicks, and eight other Google Certified Teachers, show you why Google Applications are the best free online learning tools available today. You will discover how students and educators can collaborate with Google Documents, how the forms application allows teachers to create instant-feedback quizzes, how a literature class can take lit trips with Google Maps, how parents can view student work thanks to websites created with Google Sites, how iGoogle can help everyone develop personal learning networks, and so much more. The possibilities are endless-and the applications are free.

Retool Your School begins with an inspirational and achievable story that illustrates how Google Applications and good leadership transformed a school facing closure to one that in just one year is seen as a model of success. The book then dives into step-by-step directions on how to use multiple applications, detailing the benefits they provide to many aspects of education and school management. More than 40 lesson plans for elementary, middle, and high school will help you get started while the book's many ideas and supplemental resources show how to implement these tools to transform communication, collaboration, and creativity in your school and classroom. Don't miss the special chapter on how to bring the Education Edition directly to your school or district.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Google Apps for Education Help Page

To help the students and teachers at my school make the transition to Google Apps for Education Edition I set up a wiki help site that includes videos, handouts and links to Google help sites.

The site is located at:

Sections of the site include:

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Using Postini to Manage Gmail Accounts in Google Apps

Using Postini with Gmail

Limiting Gmail to your Google Apps for Education Domain Only
This handout will walk you through using Postini to set up your Google Apps Education domain so that email can only be sent to and from email addresses within your domain. If you are in a K-12 school this is a way to give your students email accounts to email teachers and fellow students only. You must activate Postini Services to do this.

Using Postini Sender Lists
If you have used Postini to set up your Apps Domain so that no one from outside your domain can send email to the Gmail addresses in your domain you may want to allow specific senders or senders from a specific domain to pass through the filter. In my district teachers have email accounts in another domain, I wanted my Apps Gmail users to be able to receive and send email to Also, if you have limited email to your domain only Google Calendar alerts will not get through your filter. This handout shows you how to allow Google Calendar alerts to pass through your filter.

Using Postini's Quarantine Feature
Postini gives you the ability to “quarantine” email. This means that if you create a filter to block email to or from specific email addresses or domains you can designate a person, or shared email address, to get a copy of the blocked email. You can also use Postini filters to block inappropriate language in the content of email coming from or going to your domain. Quarantining this email will help administrators easily identify students who are violating school email policy.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Great Moments in Art

Great Moments in Art is a calendar that uses Google Calendar to create a calendar of artist birthdays and other moments in art history. Since Google Calendar is linked to Google Maps including the artists' place of birth in the event listing will create a link to a map. Information about the artist appears in the description field. Google Calendar users may use the "copy to my calendar" feature to add the event to their calendar.